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  • Liquid Gold Baby Cup Feeder

Mother & Bubs Cup Feeder [Colostrum Harvesting]

RM 14.90
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The baby cup feeder is a multipurpose cup with measurement that can be used as an alternative feeding method to prevent nipple confusion in the early weeks of birth or a cup to collect hand expressed breast milk (colostrum).

Direction of use:
- Hand express breastmilk directly into the cup or fill cup with breastmilk.
- Hold baby upright.
- Tilt the cup feeder until milk touches baby's lip and allow baby to sick/suck on the cup.
- Burp baby in between and after feeds.
- Place baby on back after feed and observe for regurgitation.

- Before feeding, ensure baby is awake and alert, but also calm. Do not feed a sleeping baby.
- If they're fidgeting or moving their hands in the way, consider swaddling or wrapping their arms in a swaddle, but not tightly.
- Always allow baby to sip on cup. NEVER pour the milk into baby's mouth as it can lead to choking.
- In doubt if the cup feeder is suitable for your baby, consult your pediatrician.

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