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Mom More Milk Superfood Lactation Brownies

RM 42.00
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Superfood Chocolate Lactation Brownies By Mom More Milk Expiry date will be 4 weeks from baked date...

Alfalfa is a highly nutritious and regarded as one of the green superfoods. Alfalfa contains alkaloids which are hormone like compounds that may promote production of breast milk..

Torbangun has been used as milk booster by Bataknese people in Indonesia for hundreds of years. Scientific research also resulted in 65% of supply increase after 2 weeeks supplementation.

Moringa is commonly considereda galactagogue in Asia. Anecdotally, nursing mother swear by it, and more than doubling the milk production in many cases.

Fenugreek appears to be the herb that most often used to increase milk supply. It has been used for centuries & reported to be excellent milk boosters for some mothers.

Dates has shown can help the body to naturally produce the hormone oxytoxin, hormone that is produced in 3 occasions: love making, childbirth and breastfeeding..